E3xtreme Presents: 50 Most Influential People in Drag Racing Part Five

E3xtreme Presents: 50 Most Influential People in Drag Racing Part Five

We have reached the final installment of our list. This wraps up the list of who we determined are the 50 most influential people in drag racing. As with any list, there are discussion on who was in and who wasn't. This wasn't a countdown and was done in no particular order. Thank you for taking the time to read all five parts. 

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E3xtreme Presents: The 50 Most Influential People in Drag Racing Part One

E3xtreme Presents: The 50 Most Influential People in Drag Racing Part One

We all know that creating a list like this with the drag racing world will cause some type of uproar. There are going to be people that feel they should have been including and fans that feel others should be excluded. Well here is our list of the 50 most influential people or companies in drag racing as determined by the E3xtreme Staff including Ellen, Damon, Danny, Justin, and Mikel. 

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Kenny Out, Larry Morgan and Fabian Brown In. ADRL Makes a Change

Kenny Out, Larry Morgan and Fabian Brown In. ADRL Makes a Change

For the last 9 months or so there has been quite a chasm when it comes to the ADRL. You are either on one side of the fence or the other. There are those that want it gone, and those that are glad it’s back. As of yesterday, there have been more shakeups, and it appears that common ground may be found.

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When popularity becomes more important than results...

When popularity becomes more important than results...

We seem to live in a world where the wrong type of people are rewarded on a regular basis. Instead of rewarding hard work and accomplishment, we reward people for having the most followers, likes, hashtags, etc. It no longer seems like results and performance are the contributing factor. 

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Drag Racing is the most Xtreme Sport on the Planet!

Drag Racing is the most Xtreme Sport on the Planet!

We are in the generational time now that extreme sports are all that people seem to want to talk about. Whether it's X Games, MMA, or just about anything in between. Here's the problem, there are too many people that forget drag racing is the original, ultimate extreme sport. Drag racing is the most extreme sport on the planet...PERIOD.

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