E3xtreme Presents: The 50 Most Influential People in Drag Racing Part One

E3xtreme Presents: The 50 Most Influential People in Drag Racing Part One

We all know that creating a list like this with the drag racing world will cause some type of uproar. There are going to be people that feel they should have been including and fans that feel others should be excluded. Well here is our list of the 50 most influential people or companies in drag racing as determined by the E3xtreme Staff including Ellen, Damon, Danny, Justin, and Mikel. 

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Pedregon, Palmer, Diehl, Wilkerson, McMillen & others...The True Core of Nitro

Pedregon, Palmer, Diehl, Wilkerson, McMillen & others...The True Core of Nitro

We live in a world of absolutes. A world where everything became too big to fail almost ten years ago, yet we in motorsports apparently never got the memo. No, instead we continue to build super teams that have gotten to the "Too Big to Fail" point in Nitro racing. 

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Gator Nats is a wrap, and you wouldn't believe what happened.

Gator Nats is a wrap, and you wouldn't believe what happened.

     Well, we have wrapped up the Gatornats a couple of days ago, and it’s time to take a look back at what we saw over the weekend in Gainesville, and boy that was a lot. From the Sarge & GOAT taking wins, to the #16 qualifier in Pro Mod breaking the world record.

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