The 2020 Mid-West Pro Mod Season is Upon Us (Results & Updates Available)
/It is that time of year when races converge on Tulsa Raceway Park for what is one of the largest events of the year…Throwdown!
In these uncertain times, Todd Martin and Keith Haney have done everything that they can to make sure this event was still going to happen. In fact, I spoke with both of them a few weeks ago and both were solidly behind the idea of still holding the event. Todd happens to have a background in remediation and understands disease and viruses very well. He laid out a very extensive plan for TRP to reopen and also kick off the season with one hell of an event.
The Throwdown is also the kickoff to the 2020 season for Mid-West Pro Mod Series. In typical fashion, racers started to roll through the gates to test yesterday (Wednesday) and continue to test today before the big event kicks off tomorrow. There will be social distancing and very specific rules in an attempt to follow local health department guidelines also. Todd and Keith are very conscious about the health and welfare of the staff, fans, drivers, crew, media, and everyone else on the property at TRP this weekend.
We at E3xtreme are lucky enough to have David Hilner on the property covering the event for us as well as E3xtreme Co-Founder Ellen Eschenbacher, who is a very large part of the organization this year. With that in mind, we know that not everyone has Facebook or other social media, so working in tandem with David and Ellen, E3xtreme will be posting updates, including photos and sheets in this article throughout the weekend. Along with Pro Mods, Top Sportsman, Top Dragster, Junior Dragster, and X275, Throwdown is pleased to announce that some of the ultra-popular Street Outlaws show and NPK will be in the house. Daddy Dave, Murder Nova, and Kallee Mills will all be there competing in Pro Mod.
Here is additional information from Ellen as well:
The Throwdown In T-Town Summit Racing Equipment Mid-West Pro Mod Series NOTES. Also they are attached if you want to print them.
Full transcripts of both Keith and Todd’s FB live this weekend are attached. I recommend you read. I know it is a lot but this is so important.
*Text message system: VITAL for as little contact as possible. Text me 317-719-9672 with your name, cell provider, class*Time slip app: select iPhone or Android, and then TulsaRP. This is the ONLY way you will get timeslips.
*RACER & CREW entry can be found here:*RACER forms can be found here:*You need to fill out: tech card, extended tech card online. Keep them with you. Bring to tech filled out with only yourself and ONE crew person. Both MUST wear masks to tech when called.
*W9 form will also need to be filled out. Print, fill out, take photo or scan and send to with your NAME in the subject line. Must be signed.
*Schedule below. Subject to change
*Qualifying and elimination ladders will be posted on FB. Please do not come to the tower, access will be limited to track and series personnel. Our contact info will be posted there if you have any problems or you can find an employee with a radio so we can answer your questions.
* is PPV for Throwdown. We all have to make adjustments to make this happen with limited spectators. The cost for the PPV is $15 for the weekend. Please help support racing right now. The link to the PPV can be found here:…/…/clear_cart-1
*Media: very limited. Do not assume you are on a list. Text Ellen to obtain a copy of the media agreement. You must have a signed media agreement on file before you will be allowed to photograph. You must follow the rules.
*Spectators: MUST purchase parking pass at The cost is $15 per car-no limit on passengers. This is NOT negotiable. There is no fee for spectator tickets Fri and Sat. To meet the government requirements to open, we have limited the number or parking passes to be sold. When we reach that number, the system will shut down the sales. This is why drop offs are not permitted.
WE will update the system every time 100 cars leave. We will not allow your car or its occupants reentry to the facility. NO RE-ENTRY.
We are reducing our occupancy to 25% initially. We will be seating every other row; you may not sit on rows marked with red x’s on them. Once we evaluate that spectators are complying with social distancing and the rules, we will open up another 15%. This will be the process for Friday and Saturday.
Please make sure to continue to stop by and check for updates through the weekend. If it is MWPMS, you will find it here on
UPDATE 5/8/20 1:33 PM CST
For Summit Racing Equipment Mid-West Pro Mod Series at Tulsa Raceway Park
The ONLY WAY TO GET A TIME SLIP THIS WEEKEND is through this app!!! We have to maintain a paperless system to operate.
*Go to your app store. Type in TulsaRP. Download. See photo below.
*Swipe left to type your can number in if want to search for you other runs.
*If you still have trouble, we will try to help you!
*Todd made a video if you need help:
UPDATE 5/8/20 1:42 PM CST
Any racer going through tech…please limit the people coming to tech. It should be the driver and ONE crew member at most. Please, per request of the staff at TRP make sure that you are wearing your mask when you come to tech as well.
UPDATE 5/8/20 11:51 PM CST
Attention Racers...
If you have not been through tech yet. It will be open at 9am. Again, we ask that only driver and one crew member come to tech, and please wear face masks.
Thank you
UPDATE 5/9/20 12:15 AM CST
Current Pro Mod Qualifier Sheet
Church Service 9am
Tech Open at 9am
Gates Open at 9am
Start with Juniors at approximately 10am CST
UPDATE 5/9/20 12:51 AM CST
The remaining qualifying sheets from Friday for X275, Top Dragster, and Top Sportsman
UPDATE 5/9/20 12:55 AM CST
UPDATE 5/9/20 9:38 AM CST
MWPMS Racers: if you're broken and need to be removed from the qualifying sheet, please let Ellen know. In the future, if you break before we run a round of qualifying and aren't on a sheet, please let Ellen know for points. Text her: 317-719-9672
Thank you!
UPDATE 5/9/20 12:10 PM CST
Pro Mod racer Ed Emerson with a hard hit here in Tulsa. He is alert and talking to officials.
UPDATE 5/9/20 3:43 PM CST
UPDATE 5/9/20 3:49 PM CST
Final qualifying and ladders for Top Dragster, Top Sportsman, & Pro Mod
UPDATE 5/9/20 4:28 PM CST
UPDATE 5/9/20 10:40 PM CST
UPDATE 5/10/20 12:18 AM CST
Summit Racing Equipment Mid-West Pro Mod Series Throwdown at Tulsa SEMIS:
Pro Mod:
Judd Coffman 3.705 holeshot over Bubba Stanton 3.670
Aaron Wells 3.689 over Clint Satterfield & Da Pig 4.312
Craig Sullivan 3.728 over Justin Wake 3.802
Adam Flamholc 3.780 over Chad Green 3.778
Top Dragster:
Bob Henry over Jeremy Maples
Cody Moore over Carson Wheeler
Top Sportsman:
Jimmy Lewis over Bruce Thrift
Marty Blair over Kelvin Brown
Brian Brooks 4.39 over Robert Bales 4.40
Clint Downs 4.43 over Dave David Pierce 4.48
UPDATE 5/10/20 1:08 AM CST
Summit Racing Equipment Mid-West Pro Mod Series Throwdown in Tulsa
Summit Racing Equipment Mid-West Pro Mod Series Throwdown in Tulsa
Pro Mod Finals
Aaron Wells 3.64 over Judd Coffman
X275 Finals
Clint Downs 4.38 over Brian Brooks 4.39
Pro Mod Slammers class
Craig Sullivan 3.74 over Adam Flamholc 4.24
Pro Street
Daddy Dave
Top Sportsman
Jimmy Lewis
Top Dragster
Cody Moore over Bob Henry