Adel City Council Imposes Tough Time Restrictions on SGMP (UPDATE)

Hold on while I show you my shocked face regarding another community biting the hand that feeds them. This time it is the City of Adel, GA. after a unanimous vote about the hours of operation regarding SGMP.

Based on an article from WALB News 10, The Adel City Council met on Monday evening, June 7th, 2021 to address noise complaints that they have gotten regarding the track. At that meeting, which track owner Ozzy Moya was unable to attend due to on going medical issues, the council decided that the track could operate Monday through Thursday 8am until 10pm. The track will be allowed to operate on Friday and Saturday from 8am until 11pm. UPDATE (We were told by Sydney Marshall) SGMP will be allowed to be open on Sunday’s with a 10pm curfew. Adding to that, the track will only be allowed to request, in writing, a total of three extensions on Friday or Saturday. It should be noted that Ozzy Moya had requested an extension of this meeting so that he could attend.

(Update) We at E3xtreme have sent a request to the Adel City Council in an attempt to get the minutes from this weeks meeting. Once they are received, we will add them to the article as well.

With all that said, I personally hope that the city of Adel understands the implications of limiting business like this. They will see a dramatic trickledown affect from doing this. Their hotels, gas stations, and restaurants, will all suffer from this decision. It is unknown at this time how or if this will affect Donald Long’s multiple races held at the track.

If anymore information becomes available regarding this situation, we will be sure to bring it to you.