One Door Closed Another Opens. Sullivan to wheel Woody's Vette in Pro Mod at NMCA Opener

Some of you may have seen the social media post by Craig Sullivan yesterday stating the infamous “Barnburner” had been sold. Obviously, that leaves Craig without a ride for an unforeseen amount of time while waiting on his new pro mod to be completed at LJRC.


I received a message from Craig this morning that he has found a ride to drive at the NMCA season opener in Bradenton, Florida. The ride is none other than his close friend Mark Woodruff’s beautiful Pro 275 Corvette. Mark and Craig have been friends for years, and this isn’t the first time that Woody has let someone else wheel the car to chase points.

Craig’s new car is still being built at Larry Jeffers Race Cars, and Craig wanted to run for points in the NMCA series. Finding a suitable car that could be legal and competitive to drive is a chore in itself, but luckily Mark has stepped up and offered the Vette. Craig stated the Vette will get outfitted with slicks and wheelie bars for the event as well.

Now I know some of you are wondering about Lights Out just weeks prior to the NMCA season opener. The Vette will be in South Georgia to compete in Pro 275 at Lights Out 12 before making the switch over to pro mod trim for Craig. Mark will be handling the driving duties at Lights Out 12 as well.


No worries about it feeling strange to Craig either. He has been behind the wheel of this car on multiple occasions also, and certainly knows what he is doing when it comes to driving this hotrod. I think we would be remiss not to give huge props to Mark Woodruff for making this happen as well. It’s one thing to borrow something from a friend, it is another thing entirely when you are borrowing his race car. Having the pleasure of knowing Mark for more than a decade now, I am not at all surprised by this move. That is just the type of person that Mark is. So kudos to him for making this happen, and also congratulations to Craig on selling the Barnburner, which I know he has had actively up for sale for about a year now.


So if you are in the Bradenton area in mid-March and find yourself at the NMCA season opener, make your way over to the pits and say hello to Craig. He is great with the fans and would love to see everyone out there cheering him on.