Donald Long announces new event dates

Since we are all chomping at the bit to have races to go to, Donald Long has announced two new event dates today.

The first date that Donald announced was another radial event this summer at Orlando Speed World. Radials Untucked will be held in Orlando next month over the weekend of July 24-25th. Full details have not been released yet, but once they are we will make sure to update everyone.

Another event that Donald announced was Sweet 16 V4.0. The fourth installment of his very successful Sweet 16 event that has previously and will most likely continue to feature RvW, X275, and Pro275. This event has been moved to another month and a new venue. Instead of having it at South Georgia Motorsports Park in March, it will now be held two months earlier on the weekend of January 21-23rd 2021. The event will also be held in Orlando at Orlando Speed World. More details to follow regarding that event as well.