My Life, My Words, My Photos, My World in 2019
/Lately, I have had some time and gathered some perspective on what my 2019 season on the road was like and felt the need to share with those that might be interested. I discussed this briefly yesterday in a personal social media post but felt the need to expand on my thoughts today.
Mikel Miranda, Damon Steinke, Courtney Paulshock
I don’t care if you are a rabid fan of drag racing, a driver, owner, or media, we all know that the road can certainly take a toll on your life. For more than forty weeks last year, I was on the road covering events and trying to bring readers the best possible content in the industry. There are times where I feel I accomplished that goal and others that I completely failed at that goal.
Las Vegas SCSN
Life on the road is not for everyone, and the fact is there are very few in the industry that is out there week after week as a fulltime job doing this. There are even fewer of us once you get outside of the major organization that is NHRA. In itself raises numerous questions regarding why we do what we do. I get told by people all the time that I must have the best job in the world, and the fact is, I do.
Bruder Brothers
The best job in the world…right? Well, that all depends on how you look at it. I don’t have a job where I am getting sent out on “assignment” to cover these events for another outlet, the fact is that I am my own boss. The benefits of doing this, versus working in a 9-5 “American Dream” job are many though. I get to see the country, I get to meet amazing people, I get to photograph the most extreme sport in the entire world, and I don’t answer to anyone but me and you the reader.
Lamar Swindoll Jr.
So, what’s wrong with any of that you may ask. To every upside, there is a downside. Imagine leaving the comfort of your 9-5 career, where you have benefits and stability, all in search of living your dream. It sounds great until you must realize that your dream is now a business that you must support yourself with. Those 9-5 hours just became 20-hour days, and your meal plan is usually out of the back of your car, a driver pit area, or the local drive-thru. Those are sacrifices that are made so that you can accomplish your dreams.
2019 was a year for me both personally and professionally that most in my shoes would much sooner forget than relish. The ups and downs were the most that I have ever experienced, and it showed in some of the work that I presented to you. On the flip side of that, being on the road afforded me the opportunity to meet the one person who I get to call my best friend, and the one person in this world that I care about and try to support more than anyone I have ever encountered in 43 years on this earth. So, you see, there are always going to be some amazing upsides when it comes to being on the road as well.
Brian Chin Lights Out 10
In 2019 the racing itself was some of the best that I have seen in years. Having the opportunity to travel to so many different tracks, different states, and cover different styles of drag racing really provided for some amazing photography throughout the year as well. As usual, I started the year off in Florida at Orlando Speedworld for the Mickey Thompson test session, and then over to Emerald Coast Dragway. They say there are moments in your life that happen and change your life forever. That weekend, which was my first time at ECD was a weekend that has and will forever change my entire life.
YellowBullet Nationals
Throughout the season I travel to places like Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, and what seemed like everywhere in between. Wrapping up the season once again in Florida, which I think I spent more time in than I did my home in Tennessee. Since I only flew to one event, I was able to see plenty of the country through the view out my windshield as well.
Scrapin’ The Coast
Tens of thousands of miles behind the wheel of the car, more energy drinks and late-night drive-thru restaurants than I care to recall, bad hotels, and beautiful hotels. All of it in search of bringing you, the readers, the best possible content. I attended 34 events last season, from PDRA, NHRA, MWPMS, NMCA, NMRA, Car Shows, Radial races, etc. You’d think that all I care about is some time off, and to be honest, that is the last thing that I want.
In less than two weeks I will start my 2020 season on the road at Bradenton Motorsports Park for the U.S. Street Nationals. I honestly can’t wait to get back out there, and I’ve only been home for a couple of weeks. I feel that I have a lot to prove this year. It will be my 6th fulltime year traveling to cover events, and I already have about 35 events on the schedule. My goal is to continue to bring you the best photos, the breaking news, beautiful features, and the most unfiltered editorial content in the industry.
Goals without a plan are just a dream they say. The fact is that you will never even attempt to reach your goals without first having that dream. The dream of living a life that is yours, and not one that has been laid out for you or one that fits someone else’s box. I don’t fit that box, and I chose to live this dream. I have goals for myself, for the people I love and mentor, and for my readers in 2020. There are some that thought last year I might hang it up, or that 2020 might be my last hurrah. And there have been times that even I had those thoughts creep into my mindset. All those hours throughout the night to do nothing but think of what if’s and should-haves. Two people kept me going and continue to, even as I write this.
As the new year is upon us, I have laid out plans for new things that you will see on E3xtreme in 2020. Things that no one else is doing, and things that I hope you the reader will enjoy. Life is not going to give you an easy path folks, it is going to be filled with hills and valleys. Drag racing is a flat surface, where we are wide open until we see God and then hit the chutes. In that regard, I hope that more of you get to live your life like a drag race, and less like a boring-ass elevator ride up and down.
Lastly, since it’s my story and I decide how it will end, I will say that this is not the end, this is the beginning of a new season full of promises and potential. Just like your life is. I want to give thanks to a few people before I get off my soapbox though. First and foremost, my best friend Courtney Marie Paulshock, has taught me more about myself and about life in the last year than I could have ever imagined. She is my friend, one of my pillars, and someone who absolutely inspires me. Next, one of my other pillars and someone who I spent the better part of almost five years traveling the road with. Ellen Eschenbacher, Co-founder of E3xtreme. While she has moved on to play a major role within the Mid-West Pro Mod Series, we are still amazing friends and business partners. The third is my parents. While I lost my dad two years ago, I still have an amazing Mother, Stepdad, and Stepmom that stand by my side and support me on this adventure. And finally, my track son Kyle Christ. He has been my final pillar over the last year. He has been there for me and shared the wall with me. We have shared heartache and joy over the last twelve months. I could go on and on about these four pillars, but I’ll refrain. Just know that without these pillars, there wouldn’t be an E3xtreme. I love them with all my heart and soul, and they push me to make sure 2020 is a stellar year for not only me but all of you.
Damon Steinke & Courtney Paulshock
Kyle Christ & Damon Steinke
Mom on Thanksgiving morning
Ellen Eschenbacher & Damon Steinke
Thank you to all the E3xtreme fans, supports, content team, and anyone else that continues to support the journey that I am on. Here is to an amazing 2020!