PDRA Racing Releases 2017 Scedule

It was with great anticipation and bated breath that we waited to see what the PDRA schedule for 2017 would be. This morning we finally got a look at it. 

While I know we are only in October and releasing a 2017 schedule doesn't seem to be on a lot of minds, the fact is that almost everyone is or has announced their race dates for 2017, and PDRA was really the last to do so. We have already seen Donald Long, Tyler Crossnoe, Monty Mikho, Kenny Nowling (ADRL), the NHRA, and many more announce their races in 2017. We finally can add PDRA to that list. 

The 2017 season for PDRA is one that really needs to be the make a splash season. There is now "competition" from ADRL coming back. While we have seen some minor improvements in the PDRA over the 2016 season, we are hoping for even bigger and better things come 2017.  With a 2017 schedule out they can finally work on marketing the 2017 season in an effort to bring fans through the gates and put racers in the pits. 

If you look at the schedule for the two Pro Mod non NHRA organizations, PDRA and ADRL, you will see that it appears at least 3 events are on the same weekend. Looks like it's time for both to put the foot to the floor and promote their events like they never have before. The opening race of the year will be interesting to say the least. You have ADRL in Florida and PDRA in South Georgia. 

Who will win this battle? Only time will tell, but what I can tell you is that this is a market that people had better start to get a clue about or both will suffer. There is plenty of things and places to spend your money on, so unless you are going to put on a show worth people spending their hard earned money, they aren't even going to bother.