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Donald Long Announces Sweet 16 Date Change

This morning, Donald Long announced that he is going to be changing the date for Sweet 16 2021. With the uncertainty of everything in the world, Donald stated that the date would have to be moved.

Per Donald’s live feed this morning, he stated that with everything going on in his personal life, along with all the disasters of the unknown with the current Pandemic, he had no choice but to move the event. While another date has not yet been announced yet, he did state that he would be looking at April or May most likely.

More and more states are backpedaling with their rules and shutdowns, it was the natural move to make. Donald also stated that anyone who purchased their tickets, entry, etc. has been and is being fully refunded. Once he releases the new date we will bring that to you. Lights Out 12 is still slated for Feb. at SGMP.