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**UPDATED***BREAKING NEWS: Jeff Sitton testing Shadow in Darlington

This story has been updated. We have confirmed that radial racer Jeff Sitton will be testing Shadow today, and will be driving in the event if testing goes as planned. I appologize for the confusion. 

The J&A Service Pro Mod series has the next couple of weeks off until they head to Etown June 9-11th. This gives Stevie a chance to pull his radial car out and have some fun. This time it will be with Jeff Sitton from SEI behind the wheel.  Whether they enter RvW will be up to Stevie and Jeff based upon how testing goes. 

Jeff has previously been a backed of Stevie's PDRA Pro Nitrous car and a long time supporter of Stevie's program. Jeff has shown that he can wheel a nitrous car of his own on radials, but now he is getting some seat time with a blower car. 

If you want to see Stevie and Jeff this weekend, head over to Darlington, SC for what is sure to be one hell of a race.