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Saturday Coverage

As most of you know by now, we were not able to complete Radial Fest on Saturday. By late afternoon I looked at the stands and it was like a mass evacuation. I didn't have my phone I had no idea what was going on. Another photographer came up and told me that we had a tornado warning. If you know Huntsville, you know that they are in the heart of tornado country at that track. 

It didn't take all that much time to realize that there was really no way that we would be able to complete the event on Saturday. Sunday's weather actually looked even worse, so carrying over wasn't an option at the time. Zach Jones and the rest of the staff made the decision in a timely matter that we weren't going to continue. 

Leading up to the the weather interruption there was some amazing racing though. Some big upsets in the early rounds of eliminations as well. Early on Saturday 2nd round of qualifying was happening and the weather was pretty solid at the time. Though you could tell that everyone was in a hurry since we were going to have to fight the weather.

Every class made it down to the semi finals with the exception of Index classes I believe. In the heavy hitter RvW class we were down to Shawn Ayers,  Norman Bryson, Mark Woodruff, & Jeff Miller. One of the biggest upsets of the weekend was when Dan Pharris and his SN95 Mustang went up in tire smoke against Jeff Miller's Bubble Bee. 


We can't wait til the fall when we cover Zach's Radial Fest Fall Edition.