The 21st century has brought new and exciting things to market. One of those is how exactly you connect with your core demographic, and build an even large client base, while also building your brand. We at E3xtreme feel that reaching your immediate core demographic is very important, and that is why we put our advertisers logos prominently on the site.

We are different in the fact that we don’t litter our site with ad space. The idea that a consumer wants to wade through ad after ad on a site to reach the content they are looking for is absolutely ridiculous. The ad space on our site is maintained properly, along with placed in areas that are highly visible to the potential client, yet not distracting them and making them want to leave the site.

A great CFO or CMO will understand that advertising is a two-fold process in which you are attempting to sell a product or service, but also make sure that your brand awareness is growing. At E3xtreme, it is our belief that every single advertiser is a partner of ours, that we are responsable for creating content that will make people come back to our site over and over, thus exposing them on a regular basis to our advertisers.

As E3xtreme continues to grow, and continues to produce great content, it is advertisers like yourself that we partner with to make sure that the train never stops on the tracks. Something in motion, tends to stay in motion, and at E3xtreme, we are always in motion. So if you are ready to get a ticket on this train, now is the time to contact us. Stop paying money for ad space that you have to spend too much time finding, and start getting your moneys worth on an industry leading site.

There are multiple ways to advertise and brand your company with E3xtreme. If you are ready for it, please contact us by email: and he will be able to discuss in full detail what we have to offer, along with discussing your expectations and needs. Damon handles all advertising, and has an extensive business background that includes and Undergrad degree in Business Management, along with completing and receiving his Masters of Business with a concentration in Finance this year.